Visual Assets

Work with The Thinking Hand

Visual Assets are more than drawings and graphics. They are stories that cut through information overload. Thorsten aka The Thinking Hand (TTH) has helped authors, academics, researchers, publishers, and architects communicate their ideas in an accessible and captivating way.

Enquire about working with TTH by booking a call here. Rates range from R5,000 to R40,000 per drawing, depending on scale and complexity.

“Thorsten, working with you is a pleasure. Your illustrations translate our work with such eloquence and nuance. Asante sana!”

- Caroline Wanjiku Kihato, CEO/Founder Frame 45, Visiting Fellow: Oxford Department of International Development

“Through an iterative process, Thorsten created drawings that uniquely reflected the intent of each module and presenter. This deeply human and intuitive collaboration was essential—something that AI tools could not replicate.

- Tracey Wallace, Executive Director at Northern Council for Global Cooperation

To see more, visit @thethinking_hand on Instagram