Clive Rundle Shop:

Rosebank, Johannesburg

The glossy couture boutique is re-imagined as an eclectic, moody-atmospheric, ever-changing workspace and gallery for ideas and clothing.

In 2009 leading South African fashion designer Clive Rundle approached 26’10 with the brief for a new shop in an upmarket Johannesburg mall. What followed was a fruitful design collaboration between Rundle and 26’10 in which bric-a-brac and re-used curios are carefully deployed alongside newly designed elements. The entire interior is painted in blackboard paint on which Rundle invited artists to draw and write. The antithesis of the sparkling white boutique, the black walls and ceilings together with the clothes create a dark and rich atmosphere. Large glass tubes diffuse and reflect light in mirrored panels, creating a theatrical layering of space which culminates in a spiraling, fabric change room at the back of the shop.

Project team: Thorsten Deckler, Anne Graupner, Guy Trangos, Carl Jacobsz, Shameema Davids

Photographed by Sean Tangney


Taxi Rank No.2


Rahima Moosa Hospital